Pressure Rises on Netanyahu for Ceasefire as Israeli War Cabinet Minister Resigns

Quibbling About Killing: Netanyahu’s Spat with Washington
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

In a televised news conference on Sunday, Israeli minister Benny Gantz announced his resignation from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s emergency government. The event took place on June 9, 2024, in Ramat Gan, Israel, as reported by Reuters.

Gantz’s departure from the government, as he expressed, was due to Netanyahu’s hindrance in achieving what he deemed as “true victory.” He emphasized the need for early elections to establish a government that can gain the trust of the people and effectively tackle the challenges facing Israel. Gantz stated, “Netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory. That is why we are leaving the emergency government today, with a heavy heart but with full confidence.”

Following Gantz’s resignation, Netanyahu issued a brief statement urging Gantz not to “abandon the front.” Despite Gantz’s exit, Netanyahu’s ruling coalition maintains a firm grip on power, with 64 seats out of 120 in the Knesset, ensuring its parliamentary majority remains intact.

Gantz’s resignation has prompted speculation about the potential reshaping of Netanyahu’s government, with the possibility of more far-right ministers joining the war cabinet. Commenting on Gantz’s departure, Al Jazeera’s Sara Khairat reported from Amman, Jordan, stating, “These cracks started to appear throughout, and there was much speculation, eventually last month he said that he gave the prime minister an ultimatum.”

However, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated a commitment to “total victory” and refuses to stop the war without achieving the goal of eliminating Hamas. On the other hand, Hamas insists that the United States pressure Israel to halt the fighting and expressed readiness to positively engage with any initiative that secures an end to the war.

In a renewed effort by Washington to broker a ceasefire, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the Middle East, meeting with Egyptian officials. He is scheduled to meet with Israeli leaders as the United States seeks support for a ceasefire proposal at the UN Security Council.

The ongoing conflict has resulted in significant casualties and destruction, with thousands of Palestinians dead and large portions of the Gaza Strip reduced to wasteland. Israeli forces continue to carry out assaults in various areas, further increasing the humanitarian crisis.

The proposed ceasefire, similar to previous offers, involves a long truce with little steps toward peace, including the release of Israeli hostages. However, reaching a consensus is challenging, especially with Netanyahu facing domestic political pressure and the threat of escalation along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

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