Police ban protests in Nasarawa

Nasarawa Protest
 The Nasarawa State Police Command has issued a ban on all forms of protests across the 13 Local Government Areas of the state.
 This was contained in a statement made available to newsmen by the command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Ramhan Nansel, in Lafia on Sunday.
According to him, the move by the command was to forestall the breakdown of law and order in the state.
The official statement reads “The Nasarawa State Police Command wishes to inform the general public that all forms of protest have been banned throughout the state”.
 Therefore, all proposed protests under any guise are hereby prohibited.
“The police command took this decision in order to prevent a breakdown of law and order and to sustain the peace currently being enjoyed in the state; as the intelligence report on security can no longer sustain any form of protest in the state.”
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