Oyebanji harps on discipline, collective responsibility

Senator Ojudu

Ekiti State Governor, Biodun Oyebanji has stressed the need for members of the State executive council to always maintain high level of discipline and principle of collective responsibility in the discharge of their duties in order to redefine governance and achieve the desired development for the state.

Oyebanji stated this on Tuesday during the inaugural expanded Exco meeting held at the Executive Council Chamber, Governor’s office, Ado-Ekiti, shortly after the new members of the council took the oath of office.

He urged them to always be guided by the oath they have taken in the discharge of their official responsibilities.

The Governor, who noted that the executive council, the highest decision-making body in the state, had the power to make or mar the future of the state, called on all council members to exercise restraints on attitude that could run down the government and the state and ensure that they focus only on things that will be to the overall interest of the people.

While promising to be fair to all and support them in their bid to carry out their ministerial assignments of repositioning the state for effective service delivery and the drive to ensure prosperity for all, Governor Oyebanji charged them to utilize positively the opportunity bestowed on them to turn the fortune of the state around.

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