OpenAI Scientist Resigns 

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Jan Leike, a scientist working with OpenAI, has decided to leave his position due to concerns regarding the company’s direction. 
He expressed worries that OpenAI is too focused on making new products and not paying enough attention to keeping them safe.
Leike believes that OpenAI should prioritize safety above all else, especially as it works on developing artificial general intelligence (AGI).
He stressed the importance of spending time and resources on ensuring that AI systems are safe, secure, and well-prepared for potential risks.
In his resignation statement, Leike highlighted the need for OpenAI to address various aspects of safety, including monitoring, robustness against attacks, and alignment with human values.
He also underlined the significant responsibility that comes with creating machines smarter than humans and urged OpenAI to take this responsibility seriously.
Leike called on OpenAI to focus more on preparing for the implications of AGI and ensuring that it benefits humanity.
He believes that by prioritizing safety and taking proactive measures, OpenAI can contribute positively to society’s future with artificial intelligence.
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