Open My Eyes

Four Hundred Years Blind
Underground cart in copper mine / ©©TTstudio

“Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” – Psalm 119:18 NASB

In the 1860s, the Comstock Lode in western Nevada became one of the most lucrative mining strikes in history. But those mining this site almost missed these riches.

Sparked by the California gold rush in 1848, these prospectors primarily searched for gold. But because of this obsession, they did not realize they were digging into one of the richest silver lodes in the world.

Eventually, they realized that these rocks contained overwhelming quantities of silver and the Comstock boom began. But countless miners failed to realize that they had touched abundance. Because of their preoccupation, many lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, blind to the riches in the rocks before them.

In the spiritual realm, many Christians do not realize what great spiritual riches God has available for them: riches of power, wisdom, resources, and peace. They may feel they know what is possible and what God is revealing to them. But the psalmist realized that God offered even greater blessings than they had imagined and deeper truths. He asked God to open his eyes to this abundance.

Ask God to open your eyes as never before. Don’t limit your expectations or assume that you have experienced the fullness of His riches. Don’t be content with what you think He offers. Seek Him for more of His power, more of His wisdom, more blessings, and more understanding.

Don’t miss all He has available for you.

*Reflection Question:*

Write a prayer asking God to help you experience His spiritual riches.


Father, open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your Word. Grant me a deeper understanding and more of Your riches. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Bible Reading

Psalm 119:17-32

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