Ogbaru LGA Secretariat Attack: Anambra Vigilante Vows to assist Police fish out Perpetrators

Ogbaru LGA Secretariat Attack: Anambra Vigilante Vows to assist Police fish out Perpetrators
Anambra Vigilante group

The Anambra State Vigilant Group, AVG says it is working in synergy with security forces in the State to fish out arsonists that burned down the local security outfit patrol vehicles at the Ogbaru Council Area Headquarters last Sunday.

The attack, which fortunately recorded no casualty, but resulted in the destruction of four patrol vehicles belonging to the vigilantes, has been described by the Police Spokesperson in Anambra, as an act of cowardice.

It was gathered that the assailants, arriving in large numbers on motorcycles and a vehicle, began shooting indiscriminately.

They were said to have faced strong resistance from the Vigilante Operatives until the police response team arrived, and due to the superior firepower of the security operatives, the gunmen fled the scene, after setting the four operational vehicles of the security operatives ablaze.

Speaking to newsmen on Tuesday, the AVG spokesperson Mr. Nweke Nweke, said the AVG Head of Operations in the State, Chief Chinenye Ihenkor, has assured that there will be no hiding place for the perpetrators of the heinous crime.

He quoted Ihenkor as commending his men for having resisted the attempt of the bandits to burn down the Council Area Headquarters’ Secretariat until the arrival of other security forces, ably led by the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Operations.

“We are going to show the idiots that we are in the grassroots. We are local -based and we know who is who in every locality.

“Therefore there will be no hiding place for all that participated in burning down the vehicles of the AVG in Ogbaru Council Headquarters. This I assure the bandits.

“I want to commend our men at Ogbaru Local Government Area of the State for their resoluteness in justifying their engagement as AVG. I am glad that they stood their ground in resisting the hoodlums from accomplishing their ill-desired action of burning down the Council Headquarters and I also thank the State Commissioner of Police, CP, Nnaghe Obono Itam, the men of the Nigeria Army, the Navy for their prompt response during the period,” Nweke quoted Ihenkor as saying.

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