North Central APC Forum Advocates for Regional Government

North Central APC Forum Advocates for Regional Government
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The All Progressives Congress (APC) Forum has called for the adoption of a regional system of government in Nigeria. 
The forum believes that each region should be able to manage its own needs using its natural resources, educational capabilities, political influence, and agricultural strengths.
The chairman of the forum, Alhaji Saleh Mandung Zazzaga, voiced this call during a press briefing in Jos, the capital of Plateau State, on Friday.
He emphasized the urgency of this issue, particularly highlighting the marginalization of the North Central region.
Zazzaga pointed out that the North Central region has significantly contributed to the nation through its agricultural output, educational achievements, natural resources, and political involvement. Despite these contributions, he argued, the region has been marginalized for many years.
Politically, Zazzaga noted that the region has not been given its due recognition. He highlighted that the North Central is known as the “food basket of the nation,” with states like Benue, Plateau, Niger, and Kogi producing substantial agricultural goods.
However, the region’s agricultural potential has not been fully leveraged to ensure food security.
He also mentioned the region’s wealth of natural resources, such as tin and other minerals, which could economically sustain the region if properly utilized. However, these resources have not been maximized for the region’s economic benefit.
Zazzaga criticized the political marginalization of the region, citing the example of the recent APC National Chairmanship position, which was awarded to the North West despite the North Central’s significant contributions to the nation’s democracy since 1999.
Given these issues, Zazzaga argued that a regional system of government is necessary. In such a system, power would be distributed among various regions or states, allowing each to develop independently based on its unique strengths and resources.
 He suggested that while the federal government would still handle national security, foreign affairs, and interstate commerce, the regions should have the autonomy to manage their internal affairs.
The chairman affirmed that their primary mission is to uplift the North Central Zone by initiating political and economic activities that would benefit the region.
He expressed their commitment to continue advocating for the region’s progress until they achieve favorable outcomes.
As dedicated APC leaders, Zazzaga stated that they have been working towards the success of the North Central region, collaborating with leaders from other political parties and stakeholders, regardless of ethnic, religious, or political differences.
He emphasized the legitimacy of using their forum to advance the interests of the North Central region, noting that similar forums exist among governors, legislators, and local government chairmen to promote their common goals.
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