No clear stance on State Police – Reps Speaker

Speaker of House of Representatives, Rt Hon Tajudeen Abbas, emphasized the National Assembly’s openness to discussing the creation of State Police during a recent national dialogue on security and state policing. 
Abbas underscored President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to reforming the Nigeria Police Force and the need for comprehensive police reforms.
 He highlighted the establishment of a Constitutional Review Committee in 2023 to make recommendations for police reform.
Abbas stressed the importance of legislative action in addressing immediate needs and future challenges in security law-making.
 He mentioned the significance of ensuring that any initiative, such as establishing State Policing, adheres to the Constitution and aligns with national security and public welfare goals.
“However, Section 214 of the 1999 Constitution establishes the Nigerian Police Force as unitary police “for the Federation or any part thereof”.
“However, as noted earlier, evolving security challenges and other institutional and structural challenges have severely affected the general effectiveness of the police.
“As you are mostly aware, this deficit has resulted in the military engaging in policing functions in all States of the Federation, including the FCT. In turn, this has also overstretched the armed forces and affected their effectiveness in combatting other broader security challenges, including those that threaten the territorial integrity of Nigeria.”
“In view of the above, many have argued that a decentralised and community-based approach to policing has become imperative to empower the States to address the complex security challenges in the context of their local environment and peculiarities.”
Additionally, Abbas emphasized the role of legislative oversight in ensuring effective implementation of laws and safeguarding citizens’ rights.
The Speaker acknowledged the divisive nature of the issue and stated that the National Assembly does not have a fixed position, aiming instead to facilitate dialogue and consensus-building.
He emphasized the importance of approaching debates objectively and neutrally, prioritizing the common good over personal or political gains.
Abbas highlighted the National Assembly’s unique position as a representative body to facilitate open and sincere dialogue on the matter.
He emphasized the importance of inclusive discussions that consider the diverse perspectives and challenges across different regions of Nigeria.
Regarding the concept of State Police, Abbas explained the need to decentralize law enforcement functions to the state level to enable more localized and responsive policing tailored to each state’s unique needs.
 He acknowledged constitutional limitations and the need to address concerns about potential misuse of police powers at the state level.
Abbas drew parallels with other federal countries that have decentralized policing systems, emphasizing the need to learn from their experiences.
He emphasized the necessity of reforming the current centralized police structure in Nigeria to restore public trust and effectively address security challenges.
“Whatever model Nigerians adopt, our focus must always be on developing a police system that is efficient, responsible, responsive and subject to global best practice in its management and operation.”
The Speaker urged participants to engage in open debates on the merits and demerits of State Policing, considering factors such as transition timeframe, suitable models for Nigeria, legal and institutional frameworks, safeguards against abuse, financial arrangements, recruitment modalities, and the relationship between State Police and the Federal Police.
Abbas expressed hope that the dialogue would lead to recommendations for legislative action to enhance peace, security, and development in Nigeria.
He emphasized the importance of leveraging the expertise and experience of participants to create the best possible solution for the country.
“We look forward to a robust national exchange of ideas and your recommendations for necessary legislative action. The outcome of today’s discussions will contribute in creating the best option for Nigeria,” Abbas said.
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