Nigerian Customs Seize Illicit Drugs and Donkey Products in Kaduna

Nigerian Customs Seize Illicit Drugs and Donkey Products in Kaduna
Nigeria Customs Service
The Nigerian Customs Service operatives have confiscated over 58,000 sachets of tramadol and 48,000 ampules of Anelgin injection. 
These drugs were reportedly en route to armed bandits in rural areas of Kaduna State. The interception occurred along the Saminaka/Nimbiya/Kafanchan axis of Kaduna, a region known for its security challenges, on Tuesday.
Ahmadu Shuaibu, the new comptroller of the Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone B in Kaduna, provided details of the operation.
According to Shuaibu, the illicit drugs were cleverly concealed within motor spare parts, making detection more challenging.
The discovery highlights the lengths to which smugglers will go to evade law enforcement and supply dangerous substances to criminal groups.
In addition to the drug seizure, customs officials also impounded consignments of donkey bones and donkey meat.
These items, which were being transported illegally, have a combined Duty Paid Value (DPV) of approximately three billion naira.
The truck carrying these goods was intercepted along the Sokoto/Gusau Road in Zamfara State, and the contraband was subsequently brought to Kaduna for further examination.
The operation led to the arrest of four suspects, who are currently in custody. Customs authorities plan to transfer them to other security agencies once their investigation is complete.
This collaboration between agencies underscores the comprehensive approach needed to tackle smuggling and criminal activities in the region.
The seizures are part of a broader effort by the Nigerian Customs Service to curb the distribution of illicit drugs and illegal trade activities, which pose significant risks to public health and safety.
The successful operation reflects the agency’s commitment to safeguarding the nation’s borders and ensuring that contraband does not reach its intended recipients.
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