Nigerian Army Hands Another Rescued Chibok girl, Children to Borno Government

Nigerian Army Hands Another Rescued Chibok girl, Children to Borno Government
Lydia Simon, one of the Chibok schoolgirls, her three children and Major General Wahidi Shuibu, Theatre Commander of Operation Hadin Kai, among others
The Nigerian Army has officially handed over Lydia Simon, one of the Chibok schoolgirls and three children abducted by Boko Haram terrorists a decade ago to the Borno government.
The operation was carried out by troops from the 7 Division Operation Hadin Kai in the Mandara Mountains, a known stronghold of the terrorist group.
Lydia Simon, who was taken from the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok along with 275 other girls in 2014, was found with her three children during the operation.
Major General Wahidi Shuibu, the Theatre Commander of Operation Hadin Kai, while presenting Ms. Simon to journalists at Maimalari Cantonment during a handover ceremony to the Borno State Government, on Thursday said the Chibok girl was rescued on April 17, 2024.
He highlighted the global attention the Chibok abduction garnered through the #BringBackOurGirls movement and reaffirmed the military’s commitment to rescuing the remaining abducted girls.
He said “One of such national efforts is the conduct of military operations into the enemy enclaves to ensure the girls are rescued.”
Brigadier General Abubakar Garba Lawan Haruna, the General Officer Commanding 7 Div and Commander of Sector 02 Operation Hadin Kai, stated that Ms. Simon and her children have received medical attention, new clothing, and proper care since their rescue.
He expressed gratitude for the successful operation and handed her over to the state government for further support and development.
“Today, by God’s grace, we are handing her to the state government for further development.”
The Borno State Government confirmed that with Lydia Simon’s rescue, a total of 188 out of the 276 abducted girls have now been freed.
This development brings hope to the families still awaiting the return of their daughters. Additional details about Ms. Simon’s experience during her captivity will be released in due course.
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