Nigeria Police to discipline officers caught on camera extorting residents of Osun State

The Quest for State Police in Nigeria

 The Nigeria Police, Osun Command, on Friday, said police operatives caught extorting money from commuters along the Ile-Ogbo/Iwo Road, had been detained and would be made to face disciplinary action.

The command’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), SP Yemisi Opalola, who said this in a statement in Osogbo, confirmed that the affected officers had been arrested over their unprofessional and unethical conduct.

Opalola, who described their conduct as despicable, added that the command totally frowned and condemned the act of the officers.

This is to inform the general public that the Osun State Police Command is aware of the viral video trending on social media showing some policemen extorting commuters along Ile-Ogbo/Iwo axis.

“The Police officers involved in this unprofessional and unethical behaviour have been identified, arrested and detained.

The command frowned and condemned the act in totality as the erring police officers are currently in detention since Thursday, 10 Aug., 2023.

“They are undergoing investigation and eventual disciplinary procedure of orderly room trial for their unprofessional conduct while the senior officer among them have been queried accordingly.

“The Commissioner of Police, Kehinde Longe, wishes to appraise the general public, especially the good people of Osun State, on this matter.”

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