Niger lawmakers block Governor Bago’s attempt to borrow N50 billion

Members of the Niger State House of Assembly recently decided not to approve Governor Muhammad Umar Bago’s request to access a loan of N50 billion from Union Bank Plc.

The loan was intended to fund the establishment of an agricultural food park and farm estate.

During a meeting chaired by Speaker Mohammad Sarkindaji, the decision was made after reviewing a report presented by Alhassan Isah, the chairman of the Joint Committee on Education and Finance.

The Governor had explained in a letter that the loan would support the state’s Green Economy Revolution, create value chains for agricultural produce, ensure a bountiful harvest, and enhance food security for Niger State and Nigeria.

However, Isah, representing the Mashegu constituency, pointed out that the governor’s letter lacked specific details on how the funds would be utilized.

Isah highlighted that the loan’s purpose, location of projects, and areas covered were not clearly outlined.


The Committee on Agriculture and Finance requested more information from the state Commissioner for Agriculture but had not received the necessary documents.


After thorough discussion, the legislators concluded that the executive branch should provide specific details regarding the location of agricultural food parks and farm estates, as well as the involvement of local governments.


Consequently, the Speaker instructed that the request be postponed for further legislative action.


Additionally, the committee members were granted extra time to fulfill their responsibilities and report back to the house.


However, the governor’s request to access a N15 billion loan from Fidelity Bank Plc for the development of A. A. Kure University of Education, Minna, was approved.


The committee believed that this loan facility would benefit the people of the state, as reported by Mohammed Sani Tafa, the chairman of the Joint Committee on Education and Finance.

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