NBA-RC Calls for Swift Action on Abduction of Justice Haruna Mshelia

NBA-RC Calls for Swift Action on Abduction of Justice Haruna Mshelia

The Nigerian Bar Association Remuneration Committee (NBA-RC) has called on security agencies to ensure the quick and safe release of Justice Haruna Mshelia of the Borno State High Court, who was recently abducted.

The Borno State police command confirmed the abduction on Monday.

Justice Mshelia was kidnapped along with his wife, his orderly, and several others in the Biu Local Government Area of Borno State.

In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday, Mr. Afam Osigwe, SAN, Chairman of the NBA-RC, expressed strong condemnation of the abduction, labeling it an attack on the principles of justice, peace, and security.

“I condemn the heinous abduction of Justice Haruna Mshelia, his wife, driver, and orderly by alleged Boko Haram terrorists. This despicable act of terrorism is not only an assault on the individuals directly involved, but also an attack on the very principles of justice, peace, and security that our society upholds,” Osigwe stated.

He emphasized that the kidnapping of a respected judicial officer and his loved ones underscores the escalating threat posed by terrorist factions and their blatant disregard for human life and the rule of law.

“I vehemently condemn this barbaric incident and call on all relevant security agencies to employ every resource at their disposal to ensure the swift and safe return of Justice Mshelia and all others who were abducted,” he added.

Osigwe also urged that those responsible for the abduction be apprehended and brought to justice to serve as a deterrent to others.

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