My Tears For You Holy Spirit!

My Farm! Our Lives!!
Jarlath Opara

You! The third person! The God so silent but amazingly powerful. You! That hovered and the formless became formed. You! The third person in the Trinity, filled with gifts and fruit.

At Baptism you gained entrance first into my soul. At confirmation your manifest presence became obvious and at the laying of hands, your gifts so sedimented stirred, giving me a new dimension of what my life should be.

You! My helper! My comforter! My strength! So silent! So powerful in active mood. You move mountains, break walls , divide seas and oceans and bring life to dry bones.

You! The giver of love, peace and joy. You! The ultimate wisdom that surpasses all human wisdom. You! the giver of all knowledge, so profound beyond errors.

You! In his hands the future resides. You! Who reveals hidden things and grant understanding for exploits.

Where are you! My first love ❤️. You came and made my life new and exciting. You came, spoke truth to my mind, illumined my dark life and made me your choicy abode. Where are you my first love? I can’t feel you as I used to. I can’t hear you as I used to, the sweetness of your fellowship with my soul and the excitement it gives me, fading away so fast Where are you Holy Spirit! My first love!

You came through for me so many times. Lifted me up many times above the challenges of life. Where are you! Your freshness and the joy that comes with it , I can’t feel as I used to. Where are you my love! .

I grieved you? So easily you can be grieved, patient still waiting for the return of the soul that grieved..

Where are you? So empty without you. So weak! So vulnerable! Where are you, my strength, my power and my guide.

Where are you! Restore to me the joy of my salvation oh Holy Spirit. Speak to me, your silence is frustrating, the sweetness of your voice and the softness with which your instructions pierced my soul I can’t feel anymore.

Where are you! Can’t bear your absence anymore. Your silence is rending my soul, speak again to me in your gentle voice.

I lay myself before you, empty, weak and disillusioned. Come , fall afresh on me and restore to me, the joy and sweetness of your fellowship. Only then would I say with confidence that you are my love, my strength, my comforter, my power base and the lifter of my soul.

Happy Pentecost Sunday in advance to all those who seek the friendship of the Holy Spirit like the deer that pines for running stream. I do!


Jarlath Opara

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