MNJTF Launches Free Medical Outreach Program to Aid Communities in Cameroon

MNJTF Launches Free Medical Outreach Program in Cameroon's Sector 1
MJTF troops and Beneficiaries

The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has launched a week-long free medical outreach program in Sector 1 of Cameroon.

Beginning on June 26th, the initiative is focused on providing essential healthcare services to residents in the communities of Darak, Kofia, Hile Alifa, and Soueram.

MNJTF Launches Free Medical Outreach Program in Cameroon's Sector 1

Lieutenant Colonel Abubakar Abdullahi, spokesman of the MNJTF, emphasized the importance of the outreach.

“This outreach is critical to ensure vulnerable communities receive essential healthcare services,” he said.

The program offers free medical consultations and medications, addressing the health needs of local populations affected by ongoing military operations, particularly the Lake Sanity 2 campaign.

MNJTF Launches Free Medical Outreach Program in Cameroon's Sector 1

During the outreach, residents have the opportunity to consult with medical professionals about various health concerns and receive necessary treatments and medications.

This initiative is particularly significant for these communities, which often have limited access to medical facilities and experience disruptions due to military activities.

The MNJTF’s medical outreach program underscores its commitment to regional stabilization through civil-military cooperation.

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