Minister tasks NSCDC to track, arrest perpetrators of Owo bloodbath

Former governor of Osun state, Rauf Aregbesola

The Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has charged the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps to collaborate with other security agencies in the country to track and arrest the perpetrators of the recent attack on innocent worshipers of Saint Francis Catholic Church, Owo in Ondo State.

The Minister gave the charge while decorating officers of the Nigeria Immigration Service and Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps with their new ranks in Abuja.

Aregbesola stated, “Pursue the animals, track them, arrest them and bring them to justice”.

He charged the officers not to be oblivious of the fact that elevation comes with responsibilities, “as such, you must put in your best in apprehending the criminals,” he added.

The Minister commended the service improvements being witnessed in the operations of the Nigeria Immigration Service occassioned by the various reforms put in place; he therefore charged Immigration officers not to relent in ensuring a seamless issuance of passports to Nigerians.

Aregbesola commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his supports towards the capacity building officers and men of paramilitary under the purview of the Ministry of Interior

He then urged officers of the Services to be more committed in the discharge of their duties in securing lives and properties of the people of Nigeria.

Earlier in his remarks, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Dr. Shuaib Belgore congratulated the newly decorated officers and noted that the country recognized their outstanding performance which has earned them the new ranks.

He also charged them to do more in the service of the country, especially now that the country is facing myriad of security challenges.

He said “To whom much is given more is expected”.

The total breakdown of decorated officers included three Immigration officers, as deputy Comptroller General (DCG); six officers from the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), as deputy Commandant General.

Other personalities at the event included Commissioners of the Board, Comptroller Generals of the Services, Directors in the Ministry, Spouses of the decorated DCGs and their relatives, among others.

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