Matcha Tea: The Latest Way to Ease Menstrual Cramps & Boost Focus

MATCHA TEA (Healthline)

Matcha tea, a celeb favorite is being touted as having the potential remedy for menstrual cramps and gum disease, despite some critics describing its taste as similar to “shredded grass.”

The buzz around matcha’s health benefits intensified following a viral tweet that amassed 4.3 million views. The tweet claimed that matcha quickly alleviated the user’s period cramps, sparking widespread interest.

The secret behind this effect lies in catechins, compounds found in matcha that may reduce the hormones responsible for menstrual pain. A 2019 study from China supported this, indicating that catechins in green tea, which is abundant in matcha, could inhibit the production of prostaglandins—hormone-like compounds causing cramps.

However, matcha’s benefits aren’t just limited to menstrual pain relief. Recent research published in the journal Microbiology Spectrum suggests that matcha mouthwash can effectively combat gum disease. The study found that rinsing with matcha extract significantly reduced levels of harmful bacteria responsible for periodontitis, a condition linked to severe health issues like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Matcha’s rise in popularity also includes claims of enhancing cognitive functions. A small study from the Netherlands suggested that consuming matcha could improve attention, reaction time, and memory. Additionally, matcha’s ability to help the body metabolize caffeine more smoothly could prevent the common post-coffee crash.

Despite its growing popularity and health claims, matcha’s taste remains divisive. While some enjoy it, especially when flavored or made into a latte, others describe it as tasting like “dirt.”


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