Manufacturers of counterfeit water pipes to face sanctions – FG

The Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation, Prof Joseph Utsev, recently highligted the importance of maintaining high standards in the production of water pipes within Nigeria.
During an assessment visit to Panar Limited, a manufacturer renowned for its HDPE pipes, segmented fittings, and PPR pipes, the minister emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring that companies adhere to quality benchmarks.
Utsev’s tour of Panar Limited was part of the ministry’s routine checks on firms involved in water infrastructure production nationwide.
Following the visit, he expressed satisfaction with the quality of pipes manufactured by the company, noting their durability and suitability for water reticulation purposes.
He commended the managing director and CEO for investing in Nigeria, recognizing the potential for job creation and economic growth.
Utsev also reiterated the government’s support for local manufacturers and the private sector, highlighting President Bola Tinubu’s administration’s commitment to fostering an enabling environment for their success.
Furthermore, he called upon affluent individuals to invest in the water and sanitation sector, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 by 2030, which aims to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.
During the tour, Panar Limited’s managing director, Mr. Shiv Daryani, elaborated on the company’s commitment to sourcing raw materials locally and maintaining stringent quality control measures.
He assured the minister that the pipes produced by the company are designed to withstand high pressure and endure over time, suitable for both water reticulation and industrial projects.
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