LEADERSHIP Most Innovative Bank of the Year Award goes to PremiumTrust Bank

Premium Trust bank

The LEADERSHIP Most Innovative Bank of the Year 2022 Award was given to PremiumTrust Bank, one of Nigeria’s fastest-growing banks, on Tuesday in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, during a lavish ceremony (FCT).

The celebration was the 14th annual LEADERSHIP conferences and awards, with the topic “Credible Election in an Economy in Transition,” and the Bank was recognized for its unique operations and innovative initiatives, according to the organizers.

Mr. Emmanuel Emefienim, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of PremiumTrust Bank, responded shortly after receiving the award. He praised the media organization and said, “As a bank, we leverage technology with our brick and mortar to ensure that we deliver digital solutions to our customers.

” For a new bank, you know it would be difficult to compete with the older banks in terms of branch network, but what we set out to do from the beginning is to create digital solutions that adequately meet the needs of all our customers irrespective of their location. ”

Within the first seven months of its operations in Nigeria, PremiumTrust Bank expanded to 7 branches, strengthening local economies, enhancing quality of life, and encouraging the expansion of its clientele.

Prior to the celebration, LEADERSHIP Media Group presented its 2022 award winners, with PremiumTrust Bank emerging as the Most Innovative Bank of the Year 2022 by outpacing other banks in innovation in banking operations.

Numerous luminaries attended the award ceremony, including Professor Yemi Osinbajo, the vice president of Nigeria, and Raila Odinga, the former prime minister of Kenya, who served as the event’s guest speaker and keynote speaker, respectively.

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