Korede Bello claims to Quit Weed for a Healthier Life

Korede Bello claims to Quit Weed for a Healthier Life
Korede Bello

Nigerian singer Korede Bello shared how his surroundings influenced him to smoke cannabis when he was younger. However, he eventually quit after realizing it wasn’t for him.

In a recent episode of the ‘Say My Piece’ podcast hosted by actress Omotunde Adebowale David, also known as Lolo1, Bello explained that he saw his father smoking as a child. He tried weed early in his life because it was common around him, but quickly found out it didn’t suit him. He mentioned he has an addictive personality, meaning he can easily get hooked on things he enjoys.

Despite his father’s smoking habit and sending him to buy cigarettes, his father warned him against smoking. Bello recalled that his dad often coughed and explained it was due to smoking, advising him not to smoke if he didn’t want to cough like him.

Because of his father’s warnings and his own experiences, Bello developed the belief that smoking is unhealthy.

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