Kei Kamara: From Fleeing Civil War in Sierra Leone to Becoming MLS’s Second Highest Scorer

Kei Kamara: From Fleeing Civil War in Sierra Leone to Becoming MLS's Second Highest Scorer
Kei Kamara (Photo credit: Facebook || ESPN Africa)

Los Angeles FC striker Kei Kamara has written his name in the history books of Major League Soccer (MLS), becoming the league’s second top scorer in history.

Kamara’s story is inspiring. Fleeing his country due to the Civil War at age 14, he escaped to Gambia before permanently settling in the US.

Kamara, 39, signed his first major career contract with Orange County Blue in the MLS in 2004. Since then, he has played for almost 15 clubs, including Middlesbrough and Norwich City.

Being the most active player in the MLS, with 19 years of experience, he has made 499 league appearances with 163 goals and 52 assists to his name. This achievement has placed him in the second spot in the ranking of MLS top scorers of all time.

For Sierra Leone, he made his national debut in 2008, earning 39 caps and scoring 7 goals for his country of birth.

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