Katsina Governor reveals bandits Recruit Northern youths with just N500

The Katsina State Governor, Dikko Umaru Radda, highlighted the alarming issue of bandit recruitment in northern Nigeria, revealing that youth are being lured into these criminal groups for as little as N500.


He pointed out the complexity of addressing this problem, blaming some government officials and security personnel for aiding banditry.


According to Radda, the situation has escalated into a lucrative business for criminals, with complicity reaching into various sectors of society.


Speaking on Channels Television’s Politics Today, Radda emphasized that banditry is no longer just a security concern but has evolved into a profitable enterprise.


He said “These are so many reasons why we are unable to bring banditry to an end.”


He dismissed the notion that political motives are behind the surge in banditry, asserting that the root causes are more varied and deep-seated.


Katsina State Governor
Photo Credit, Katsina State Governor, Dikko Umaru Radda


He lamented the ease with which northern youths are drawn into banditry due to economic desperation, highlighting the need for multifaceted solutions to address the underlying issues.


Responding to criticism over a recent foreign trip taken by some northern governors to discuss insecurity, Radda clarified that they were invited by the United States Institute of Peace.


“The meeting was not at the instance of the selected governors of northern states but it was at the instance of the United States Institute of Peace. They were the people who invited us; they hosted us for the meeting. We were invited to sit with them so that we could bring about lasting solutions to the problems that are affecting our people.”


He defended the trip as an opportunity to gain fresh perspectives on insecurity and to engage with global stakeholders on finding lasting solutions.


Radda stressed that the governors participated in symposiums and discussions aimed at exchanging ideas and strategies for promoting peace and security, both locally and internationally.


“Ten governors were in the United States, Washington D.C and we had a symposium with the United States Institute of Peace so that we can bring about ideas that will end insecurity that is worrying our people and is a major problem to the sub-national and they carefully chose the governors of the places affected by banditry and kidnapping.”



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