Kano CP warns youths misusing ‘Tashe’ tradition during Ramadan

The Kano State Police Command has warned young people in the state about using the “Tashe” traditional disguise during Ramadan. 

This tradition involves dressing differently, singing, dancing, and moving around in a funny way during the last ten days of fasting.

The police are worried that some troublemakers might use the “Tashe” tradition to do bad things to innocent people. They want the organizers of the tradition to be careful.

The State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Muhammad Gumel, talked to the press in Kano about this on Monday.

He said that security forces would not allow anyone to use Islam to hurt others. He warned that the police would act strongly against anyone doing such things.

Mr. Gumel explained, “We have looked at the crime pattern in the state and found that in the past, some young people used the ‘Tashe’ culture to cause insecurity by making fun, especially during the last part of Ramadan.”

He also said that the police had talked with community leaders, religious figures, and influential young leaders about this issue.

They discussed how to deal with young people who misuse the “Tashe” tradition to cause trouble during Ramadan.

To handle this problem, the police have come up with a strong security plan. They have told Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers (DPOs), and Tactical and Operational Commanders to find and talk to important people, including young organizers of “Tashe,” and to watch out for any potential violence in the state.

The police have also increased watching and patrols in areas where young people might misuse the “Tashe” tradition for bad purposes during the last days of Ramadan.

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