JUST IN: FG Begins Wage Award Payment For November

Supreme Court Dismisses Atiku's Appeal
President Tinubu

There are indications that the federal government has commenced the payment of wage award for the month of November. This is as some civil servants on Tuesday 20 February in separate interviews confirmed that the payment has started filtering in.



Recall that the payment of wage awards to Nigerian workers was one of the agreements agreed upon by the organized labor and the Federal Government as one of the ways to cushion the harsh impact of the removal of subsidy on petrol.



At a time, the government however suspended the payment of the wage award, a move which generated heavy criticisms by activists and other stakeholders.



This development is coming amidst reports that the government had cut down the wage award allocation by N100bn in the 2023 supplementary budget.



Earlier, the Nigeria Labor Congress had described the government’s action as dishonorable, while the Trade Union Congress also called on the government to pay civil servants the wage awards or risk industrial action.



Meanwhile, the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC has announced February 27 and 28 to stage a mass nation-wide protest aimed at expressing their grievances over the escalating cost of living across the country.



Details shortly…

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