Jigawa State Governor Launches N5.5bn Hadejia Nursing College Project

Jigawa State Governor Launches N5.5bn Hadejia Nursing College Project
Jigawa State Governor, Malam Umar Namadi
Jigawa State Governor, Malam Umar Namadi, has commenced the construction of the permanent site for Hadejia College of Nursing Science and Midwifery, a project valued at N5.5 billion, on Sunday.
During the foundation laying ceremony, Governor Namadi highlighted that effective healthcare delivery is a key component of the 12-point agenda he presented to the electorate.
The project will be executed in phases, the first phase, costing N3 billion, will focus on constructing the main structures.
The second phase, estimated at N2.5 billion, will cover road landscaping and other infrastructure.
The entire project is expected to be completed within 18 months, as per the agreement with the construction company.
Governor Namadi also outlined his administration’s broader healthcare strategy. This includes establishing one general hospital in each of the 30 state assembly constituencies and one primary healthcare facility in each of the 287 political wards.
To ensure these facilities are staffed with qualified personnel, the state has been proactive in training healthcare professionals.
The governor mentioned that the state government has already sent over 109 students to Cyprus to study medicine, alongside others studying within Nigeria.
He added that the state has made significant progress in its healthcare infrastructure, with nearly every political ward having a primary healthcare center and many constituencies equipped with general hospitals.
Additionally, one specialist hospital has been established in each of the three senatorial zones.
The governor is optimistic about the future availability of qualified nurses and midwives. With the establishment of three colleges of nursing science and midwifery in Birninkudu, Babura, and now Hadejia, he believes the state will not only meet its own needs but may also supply healthcare professionals to other states.
Governor Namadi assured continued support for teachers and students in these institutions, including the College of Health Technology in Jahun, through the Ministry of Teaching and Learning.
He urged the people of Jigawa, particularly the youth, to take advantage of these opportunities, expressing gratitude for their support and patience, and promising they will not regret voting for his administration.
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