Japan provides $4.5 million to Adamawa for medical procedures

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has authorized a $4.49 million grant to improve healthcare interventions in Adamawa state, to bolster regional healthcare activities.

The purpose of the grant is to hasten the state’s eight local government areas’ nine primary healthcare institutions’ rehabilitation.

During the project inauguration on Wednesday at the American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola, Laurent De Boeck, Chief of Mission International Organization of Migration (IOM), revealed this development. 

The grant’s distribution

De Boeck noted that the improved facilities will likely benefit about 150,000 residents and that an extra 80 individuals with impairments will be referred and given specific help.

Moreover, cash-for-work programs will benefit 1,350 additional recipients.

With 216 healthcare personnel in Maiha, Michika, Song, Mubi-North, Mubi-South, Hong, Lanurde, and Gombi LGAs expected to benefit, the project’s objective also includes capacity building.

De Boeck emphasized the critical role that healthcare access plays in conflict-affected areas, emphasizing the need to promote peaceful coexistence and inclusivity in these settings. 

“A crucial component of this effort is ensuring that qualified healthcare is accessible and supporting the repatriation and resettlement of IDPs.

He added, “The support is also intended to strengthen the capacities of governments in the six Northeastern states affected by conflict.”

The project’s compatibility with the government’s plan to gradually close Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps around the state was emphasized by Governor Ahmadu Fintiri.

The governor reaffirmed the project’s overarching goal of addressing health-related issues among displaced people, returnees, and host communities on behalf of his deputy, Prof. Kaletapwa Farauta. 

In addition, Governor Fintiri promised to use Japanese know-how to help Adamawa state transition to a 21st-century economy, with a focus on ICT integration in education, digital health, and entrepreneurial development.

To address the population’s demands for healthcare and other services, he also reiterated the state government’s commitment to looking into partnerships with development partners. 


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