ISWAP Terrorists Kill 15 Fishermen in Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno 

ISWAP terrorists kill three ICRC personnel and a soldier in Niger Republic
In a brutal attack late Sunday night, terrorists from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) killed at least 15 fishermen in the Tumbun Rogo Kangarwa ward of the Kukawa Local Government area.
 The incident occurred around 11 PM, just as the fishermen were preparing for their usual night fishing activities.
According to eyewitness accounts, the armed terrorists stormed the area and quickly surrounded the fishermen.
After rounding them up, the militants arranged the fishermen in a line and opened fire, killing 15 of them on the spot.
Those who managed to escape sustained various injuries and are currently receiving treatment at Cross Kauwa.
This recent attack is the third of its kind targeting fishermen in the area since February. A local source explained that ISWAP and Boko Haram terrorists often target fishermen, especially when their logistics routes are disrupted by military operations. The terrorists resort to stealing from the fishermen to replenish their supplies.
In a previous attack, nine fishermen were killed, and the terrorists searched the victims’ bodies for valuables, adding to the community’s suffering. The ongoing violence has left the local fishing community in a state of shock and fear.
Local leaders and residents are urgently calling on authorities to take immediate action to protect the civilian population and ensure their safety.
The repeated attacks have not only claimed lives but also disrupted the livelihoods of those dependent on fishing, exacerbating the already dire situation in the region.
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