ISWAP attacks in Borno claim three lives, 50 bicycles stolen

ISWAP Terrorists Issue Ultimatum to Kukawa Communities in Borno State
Borno State Map

Multiple attacks believed to be carried out by suspected Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) fighters have resulted in the deaths of at least three individuals in Damboa Local Government Area of Borno State.

Sources indicate that two members of the vigilante group lost their lives due to landmines during a clearance operation conducted by troops in the western part of Damboa on Thursday.

A security source revealed that civilians riding motorcycles accidentally triggered improvised explosive devices, resulting in the immediate deaths of two individuals. The deceased were transported to Damboa town for Islamic funeral rites.

“We lost two civilians who supported us during the clearance operation due to a landmine planted by ISWAP fighters to disrupt operations in Damboa Council Area,” the source stated.

Additionally, ISWAP fighters have reportedly been targeting farmers since Monday, terrorizing them and forcibly confiscating more than 50 bicycles over the past five days.

According to victims, the outlawed group has been carrying out daily attacks on farmers in their farmlands, threatening to kill them if they refuse to surrender their bicycles.

“This week alone, farmers have lost approximately 57 bicycles to ISWAP fighters who continue to attack them daily. They have also taken all our money, phones, and water,” one victim recounted.

As of now, the army has not issued any statement regarding the latest attack.

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