Isn’t Abortion Better than Life Long Suffering? -Actress Etinosa

Isn’t Abortion Better than Life Long Suffering? -Actress Etinosa
Actress Etinosa Idemudia

Nollywood Actress Etinosa Idemudia has opined for the legalization of abortion in Nigeria to prevent unintended suffering for children.

She expressed her views on social media, stating that abortion is preferable to a lifetime of hardship. She questioned the wisdom of bringing children into a world full of suffering, especially when one’s future is uncertain.

Idemudia criticized the societal pressure to glorify parental sacrifice, particularly when it leads to poverty and hunger. She argued that parents should be responsible for their children’s well-being from the start, rather than using their struggles as emotional leverage.

Additionally, she highlighted the abusive situations some women face when seeking abortions, often due to the irresponsibility of their partners. Idemudia condemned the selfishness of bringing children into unstable environments with no means of support, suggesting that such actions should be considered criminal.

While acknowledging the religious taboo surrounding abortion, Idemudia emphasized its role in sparing individuals from unnecessary hardships and preventing children from suffering due to their parents’ mistakes.

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 Bewaji finally listens to her husband!

Bewaji Ewatomi, the wife of the controversial Nigerian singer Portable, has yielded to pressure after the singer threatened to kick her out over her birthday message to herself.

Bewaji celebrated her birthday on April 19th, 2024, sharing two posts with stunning photos. However, her husband, Portable, wasn't pleased with her second post, where she called herself the "Queen of herself" instead of acknowledging him.

In the post, Bewaji expressed gratitude for her journey and self-love. Portable reacted angrily, accusing her of disrespect and threatening to kick her out unless she edited the post to mention him as her king.

In a video, Portable demanded that Bewaji edit her post or leave their home. Faced with pressure, Bewaji deleted the second post and kept only the first one, showing her compliance with her husband's wishes.

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