Instagram Tests New ‘AI Studio’ Feature for Creators to Generate AI Versions of Themselves

Instagram is currently testing a groundbreaking feature named ‘AI Studio’ that allows creators to generate artificial intelligence versions of themselves.
This innovative tool, currently in an early testing phase, is being rolled out to selected creators based in the United States.
The AI versions created via AI Studio will primarily engage with users through messaging functionalities.
These AI entities will be prominently labeled as such, ensuring transparency in their interactions with users. Notable creators, including those associated with popular accounts such as ‘Wasted’ and Don Allen Stevenson III, are actively participating in testing these AI-powered chatbots.
The main objective of these AI chatbots is to aid creators in managing their interactions with followers by automating responses to messages.
To mitigate potential inaccuracies, messages generated by these AI chatbots will be clearly marked with a disclaimer indicating their AI origin.
Instagram’s introduction of AI Studio for creators follows its earlier rollout of similar AI tools aimed at business owners, aimed at enhancing engagement and interaction across the platform.
As testing progresses, Instagram seeks to refine and expand the capabilities of AI Studio to empower creators with innovative tools for digital engagement.
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