I’m the King of my Genre”- Whitemoney Opens Up About Music Struggles and Nigerian Perceptions

BBN Update Big Brother All star WhiteMoney

Whitemoney, the winner of BBNaija Season 6, recently opened up about one of his major career challenges, highlighting how Nigerians don’t appreciate his style of music.


In a podcast called The Echoo Room, the reality TV star turned musician talked about his music genre called Kumkum. He expressed frustration that Nigerians don’t consider him a real musician, similar to how they initially treated Davido and Burna Boy before they became famous.


Whitemoney pointed out that Nigerians often underestimate local talent but are quick to celebrate them when they gain international recognition. He emphasized his determination to prove his doubters wrong once he achieves success.




“They did the same to Burna and Davido; they didn’t believe in their talent at first. But when foreigners appreciate you, Nigerians suddenly show support,” Whitemoney remarked.


He confidently asserted his place in the music industry, stating, “If I make it big, I’ll shine in my own way. I have my unique style; I’m the king of my genre.”

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