How Armed Bandits Murdered DVC of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Prof. Yusuf Saidu

Prof. Yusuf Saidu
On Monday June 24th, Professor Yusuf Saidu, a distinguished academic and Vice Chancellor of Research and Development at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, met a catastrophic end while on an official duty to Kaduna State.
Close sources say, the University don and his driver were traveling through Kucheri in Zamfara State when their vehicle, an official blue-colored Hilux, was mistakenly identified as a police vehicle by bandits fleeing from soldiers. The bandits opened fire, killing Professor Saidu instantly and injuring his driver.
The Professor’s lifeless body and his vehicle were recovered and buried on Tuesday, according to Islamic injunctions.
According to a senior staff of the University, the university community and beyond are in shock, mourning the loss of an erudite scholar and leader “The academic community is in mourning as news of his death spreads.
The Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry, a visionary leader who played a pivotal role in shaping the university’s research and development endeavors, will be sorely missed for his contribution to the academia.
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