Hisbah Arrests TikTok Star G-Fresh for Promoting Immoral Behavior in Kano

Hisbah Arrests TikTok Star G-Fresh for Promoting Immoral Behavior in Kano
Abubakar Ibrahim AKA G-Fresh
The Kano State Hisbah Board has taken into custody Abubakar Ibrahim, a prominent figure on TikTok who goes by the name Alameen G-Fresh, on Sunday.
He faces charges related to allegedly promoting behavior deemed immoral on various social media platforms.
According to Mallam Abba Sufi, the Director General of the board, this arrest follows repeated warnings issued to G-Fresh regarding the content he was sharing online.
Despite undergoing multiple counseling sessions aimed at steering him towards more socially acceptable behavior on social media, G-Fresh persisted in posting material considered contentious.
“We have called him for counselling several times. We advised him to stop posting immoral content online, but he didn’t listen,” Sufi stated.
Aliyu Usman, the Officer-in-Charge of the Surveillance Unit of the board, confirmed the arrest, detailing the efforts made to locate and counsel G-Fresh prior to his apprehension.
Usman explained that G-Fresh had been evading authorities for some time, despite numerous attempts to engage him in counseling sessions as instructed by the Commandant General.
Consequently, the decision was made to pursue and detain him. G-Fresh was eventually found at his residence in the Badawa area on a Sunday afternoon and taken into custody for further investigation.
“We have no option but to go after him and arrest him. He is now in our custody after we got him on (Sunday) in his room and he is undergoing investigation.”
One of the alleged infractions cited by Usman was G-Fresh’s inappropriate recitation of the Fatiha, the first chapter of the Holy Quran, during a recent Sallah celebration. This incident contributed to the decision to arrest him.
This arrest comes in the wake of a previous effort by the Hisbah Board in March 2024, where a manhunt was launched targeting G-Fresh and five other well-known TikTok personalities from Kano.
These individuals, including Murja Ibrahim Kunya, Sadiya Haruna, Ashiru Idris (Maiwushirya), Ummee Shakira, and Hassan Makeup, were accused of sharing explicit content online, which the board deemed to be in violation of existing laws and regulations.
The Hisbah Board has announced its intention to arraign G-Fresh in court on Monday, June 3rd, 2024, to face the charges brought against him.
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