“He Said He Couldn’t Date Me Because I Lost My Mom”- Ms DSF Shares Shocking Encounter With a Man

“He Said He Couldn't Date Me Because I Lost My Mom”- Ms DSF shares shocking encounter with a Man
Dorcas Shola Fapson

Actress and media personality Dorcas Shola Fapson, also known as Ms. DSF, shared a story about a man who refused to date her because she lost her mother as a child.

The man believed he couldn’t be with someone who wasn’t raised by both parents. Ms. DSF talked about this on the Bahd and Boujee Podcast with hosts Tolani Baj and Moet Abebe. She questioned whether it was fair for someone to judge her for something she couldn’t control, like her mother’s passing.

She said  “The craziest thing someone told me was when I mentioned losing my mom, and he said he couldn’t date me because of it. He thought it was important to be raised by two parents. But how could I have changed that? Was it my fault?”

Moet Abebe also shared a similar experience where someone didn’t want to date her because she was raised by a single parent. Both women found the reasoning behind these rejections unreasonable.

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