Governor Zulum Urges North East Governors to Invest in Agriculture to Alleviate Hardship

Governor Zulum Urges North East Governors to Invest in Agriculture to Alleviate Hardship
Governor Babagana Zulum

Borno State Governor and Chairman of the North East Governors Forum, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, has urged his fellow governors in the five North East states to focus on investing in food production and agricultural resources. 

This call is aimed at addressing the economic difficulties in the region, particularly the rising cost of food.

Speaking at the 10th North East Governors Forum held at the Government House in Bauchi, Governor Zulum highlighted the urgent need to tackle the increasing food prices by revitalizing the regional economy.

“The soaring cost of food has worsened the situation, and we must enhance our economic conditions to address this challenge. Temporary relief measures are not sustainable solutions,” Governor Zulum stated.

He emphasized the need for the region to become self-sufficient in food production and to modernize the agricultural sector by adopting appropriate technologies.

Governor Zulum encouraged the governors to support domestic production in line with policies aimed at reducing the rising food costs in the region.

“We must focus on making our region self-reliant to handle such challenges. It is important to balance short-term relief measures with the long-term goals of our policies,” he added.

Governor Zulum stressed the importance of collective action to rejuvenate the economy, noting that this requires cooperation from all stakeholders.

The meeting was attended by the governors of Taraba, Yobe, Adamawa, Gombe, Borno, and Bauchi State.

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