Governor Zulum Approves N200m and Housing for FCE Gwoza

Governor Zulum Approves N200m and Housing for FCE Gwoza
Governor of Borno State, Babagana Umara Zulum
Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State has approved N200 million and a housing estate for teachers as part of the initial support package for the newly established Federal College of Education in Gwoza. 
Zulum made this announcement on Tuesday during his inspection of the college’s temporary site, which he had allocated in July 2023. The site is currently undergoing rehabilitation, which is now in an advanced stage.
Governor Zulum Approves N200m and Housing for FCE Gwoza
The governor expressed satisfaction with the quality of work being done and urged the contractors to expedite the project to ensure the college can begin operations soon.
The housing estate, consisting of about 12 units of 2-bedroom houses, is intended to accommodate teachers as the college prepares to admit its first set of students this year.
Governor Zulum Approves N200m and Housing for FCE Gwoza
In a similar gesture, Zulum has supported the Federal Polytechnic in Monguno with a N100 million grant and a temporary site for starting academic activities.
Governor Zulum Approves N200m and Housing for FCE Gwoza
He has previously extended support to federal institutions to ensure they provide essential services to the people of Borno State.
While in Gwoza, Zulum visited the emir, Alhaji Umar Shehu Idrissa Timta, and discussed plans to resettle several communities, including Bita, Hambagda, Wala, Yamteki, Modube, Ashigashiya, and Guduf.
He also expressed his gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for approving the establishment of the college in the Gwoza Local Government Area, which had been severely affected by Boko Haram insurgents.
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