Gospel Singer, Moses Bliss Accused Of Fornicating With Fiancee, Marie Wiseborn

Gospel Singer, Moses Bliss Accused Of Fornicating With Fiancee, Marie Wiseborn
Moses Bliss Accused Of Fornicating With Fiancee, Marie

In a scathing social media post, Ovie Success Ossai, Senior Special Assistant to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State, has stirred controversy by publicly chastising Nigerian gospel musician Moses Bliss for alleged immoral conduct. Ossai directly addressed Bliss, admonishing him for engaging in physical intimacy with his fiancée, Marie Wiseborn, a Ghanaian national.


Accusing Bliss of violating Christian principles, Ossai, who shared pictures of the duo in an embrace, condemned his actions as tantamount to fornication, asserting that as a gospel singer, Bliss should uphold a higher moral standard. Despite Bliss and Wiseborn being engaged since January of this year, Ossai emphasized that engagement does not equate to marital status and denounced any physical contact between them as sinful.

Quoting from 1 Corinthians 7:1 in the Holy Bible, Ossai reminded Bliss of the biblical injunction against touching a woman before marriage. He rebuked Bliss for disregarding this scripture and urged him to seek forgiveness from God, cautioning against repeating such behavior until after paying Wiseborn’s bride price.

The post, which has since garnered significant attention on social media, has sparked heated debate over the appropriateness of Ossai’s public shaming of Bliss. While some have applauded Ossai for upholding Christian values, others have criticized him for publicly denouncing Bliss’s personal choices and intruding into his private life.

Bliss, known for his popular gospel songs, has yet to respond to Ossai’s allegations, leaving many fans and followers eagerly awaiting his reaction. Meanwhile, the controversy has cast a spotlight on the intersection of religion, morality, and celebrity culture in Nigeria, prompting reflection on the responsibilities and expectations placed on public figures, particularly those in the gospel music industry.

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