For Now, You Belong To The Wise Workrooms

The Early Mesmerizing Morning Welcome 
Ndaba Sibanda

They come in several sizes and forms,

colors and capabilities, the humanoids

have heads, mouths, bodies, legs and arms

that, at best, mimick the actions of humans,

and at worse, fail to function, adapt and adopt.


Even if one has a pal that belongs

to that ‘community of machines’,

it’s improper or creepy to call that friend

a ‘normal’ human being, do you agree?

Does it have or can it have a soul?

Wouldn’t it be weird to ‘live’ with them,

let alone to … fall feebly for one of them?!


Also, it can be challenging or tricky

to classify robots, for each automaton

has its ‘powers’, potentials, foundations

and features, its size and shape too.


Let’s go back to the humanoid robots—

the phony copiers or mimickers of humans.

‘Phony’ (sorry), because in spite of their ability

to walk, talk or operate objects like people—

they have NOT ‘conquered’ the real world to be

unified into humans, save for the science fiction one.

Don’t dare leave your labs, keep on researching, bots!

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