FG to Test Diesel-to-Gas Locomotive on Abuja-Kaduna Rail Line

FG to Test Diesel-to-Gas Locomotive on Abuja-Kaduna Rail Line
Minister of Transportation, Saidu Ahmed Alkali
The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced an initiative to test-run trains powered by a combination of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and diesel. 
This new development was revealed in a statement by Senator Saidu Ahmed Alkali, the Minister of Transportation, on Tuesday.
The Minister highlighted that this move is part of a broader effort to reduce operational costs and enhance efficiency within the railway sector.
During his announcement, Senator Alkali provided insights into the progress of the project.
He stated that, based on discussions with the engineers involved, the process has reached an advanced stage.
This innovative approach represents a significant milestone, as it is the first instance on the African continent where a locomotive is being retrofitted to transition from diesel fuel to gas.
Senator Alkali elaborated on the multiple benefits of this initiative. One of the primary advantages is the potential for substantial cost savings.
By switching to a fuel mix that includes LNG, the cost of maintenance could be reduced by approximately 60 to 70 percent.
This reduction in expenses is expected to make railway operations more economically viable.
Moreover, the Minister emphasized the environmental benefits of the project. Utilizing LNG in conjunction with diesel is anticipated to control and significantly reduce emissions.
This aspect of the program aligns with global efforts to adopt cleaner energy sources and mitigate the environmental impact of industrial activities.
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