Federal Government Introduces New Education Standards for Teachers in Nigeria

Federal Government Introduces New Education Standards for Teachers in Nigeria
Minister of Education, Mamman Tahir

The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) has introduced revised professional standards aimed at enhancing the quality of school leadership in basic and secondary education.

Speaking at the public presentation of these standards in Abuja, On Thursday, the Minister of Education, Tahir Mamman, emphasized the importance of strong leadership in education, especially in the current climate of global challenges, technological advancements, and shifting societal expectations.

He noted that the demands on school leaders are now greater than ever, making effective and visionary leadership crucial.

Mamman highlighted that the new standards serve as a comprehensive framework to support and enhance school leadership.

“This framework provides a clear pathway for professional growth and institutional success. The standards are based on core values such as integrity, ethical leadership, instructional leadership, inclusive leadership, and innovative and visionary leadership.”

“These standards are the result of extensive research, consultation, and collaboration. They incorporate the collective wisdom and insights of experienced educators, policymakers, and experts in the field,” Mamman said.

He also stressed that leadership development is an ongoing process and committed to providing the necessary resources, training, and support to help leaders meet and exceed these standards.

Josiah Ajiboye, the registrar of TRCN, explained that the revised standards are essential for raising educational standards and ensuring that every school leader in Nigeria has the guidance and support needed to foster excellence in schools.

“The review of the professional standards for school leadership was conducted to reflect the evolving roles of school leaders. It provides a comprehensive framework that addresses contemporary challenges and opportunities in our education system,” Ajiboye stated.

He noted that while previous standards focused on administrative responsibilities, there was a recognized need to establish standards that also address instructional leadership.

This includes the responsibility of school leaders to provide professional learning for teachers, which is considered the most effective type of leadership for improving student outcomes.

“As we present this document today, we are setting the stage for a transformative impact on Nigeria’s educational landscape,” Ajiboye said.

“The standards promote a culture of continuous improvement, professional growth, and accountability among school leaders. They serve as a roadmap for leadership excellence, emphasizing the critical role of school leaders in shaping the future of our children and our nation.”

The unveiling of these revised standards marks a significant step towards elevating the quality of education in Nigeria and supporting school leaders in their essential roles

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