Fans Group Honors Katsina United FC Officials and Players

Katsina United FC Officials and Players Honored by Fan Group
Chairman of Katsina United FC Alhaji Kabir Dan'lami Rimi and Head Coach Bishir Sadauki among others

The Chairman of Katsina United FC Alhaji Kabir Dan’lami Rimi, and Head Coach Bishir Sadauki have received awards of excellence from the club’s Fans Group.

The awards were given in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the team.

In addition to these honors, several players were also recognized for their exceptional performances during the 2023/2024 NPFL season.

This announcement was made in a statement on Thursday by Nasir Gide, the Media Officer of Katsina United FC.

The Fans Group awarded Andrew Idoko the title of Young Player of the Season, while Emmanuel Okoko Junior was recognized for scoring the Goal of the Season.

Furthermore, Club Captain Usman Bara’u was honored as the Career Player of the Season. Michael Ibe Okoro received the award for Best Player of the Season.

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