DPO declines N400,000 bribe, apprehends drug dealers in Borno

Recovered items by Nigerian Police Force in Maiduguri
The Borno State Police Command recently made a significant bust and apprehended 21 individuals involved in drug dealing and abuse across various communities in Maiduguri, on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
The operation unfolded during a routine stop-and-search, where the GRA patrol team intercepted a suspect, Bello Abubakar, at Jiddari Junction. Abubakar, a resident of Kusherri, was caught transporting Tramadol Capsules BP 50mg concealed within two sacks.
Following Abubakar’s arrest, the situation took a dramatic turn when two accomplices attempted to bribe the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) with N400,000 in exchange for Abubakar’s release and the return of the drugs.
 However, SP Alhaji Waziri Garba, the DPO of the GRA, stood firm against corruption, rejecting the bribe and promptly arresting the two individuals involved in the bribery attempt.
They were then transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department for further interrogation.
Haruna Zagwa, identified as the owner of the drugs, corroborated the DPO’s integrity, confirming that the bribe offer was refused.
“We approached him with the cash, but he refused, stating that the drugs were harmful and that we had committed an offense,” Zagwa revealed in an interview with Newsmen.
Meanwhile, Bello Abubakar, claiming to be a Keke Napep rider, denied any involvement in drug dealing.
He maintained that he was only asked to transport the sacks and was unaware of their contents until the police searched. “I was unaware of what was inside until the police searched the bags,” Abubakar explained.
ASP Nahum Kenneth Daso, the spokesperson for the state command, announced that the suspects would be promptly charged in court following a press briefing.
He reiterated the command’s unwavering commitment to combating criminal activities and urged residents of Borno State to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities they observe.
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