Discipline, leadership and teamwork vital for security threats – GOC 3 Division

3 Division Corporal and Below Competition 2024
The conclusion of the one-week 3 Division Corporal and Below Competition 2024 was a jubilant affair, filled with celebrations and recognition for the troops who participated and demonstrated remarkable courage on the battlefield. 
The event took place at the 3 Division Physical Training Ground, located in Maxwell Khobe Cantonment Jos, the capital of Plateau state.
Major General AE Abubakar, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 3 Division and Commander of Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH) delivered the closing remarks, praising the soldiers for their exemplary display of discipline, endurance, camaraderie, teamwork, and leadership qualities throughout the competition.
He emphasized the purpose of the competition, which was to bolster the troops’ capabilities in confronting evolving security threats, underscoring the importance of continuous training to ensure their readiness for any challenges they may face.
Representing the GOC/Commander OPSH, Brigadier General AU Gumel, the Chief of Staff of Headquarters 3 Division, commended the soldiers for their performance and urged them to utilize the skills they had honed during the competition to effectively tackle any security threats that may arise.
He stressed the need for swift responses to emerging dangers while carrying out their constitutional duties alongside other security agencies, aligning with the Chief of Army Staff Command Philosophy.
General Abubakar disclosed that the competition primarily focused on operational training aimed at enhancing the troops’ combat readiness, improving their physical fitness, marksmanship skills, combat swimming proficiency, obstacle-crossing techniques, and endurance across diverse terrains.
He encouraged the participants to uphold the values of sportsmanship, cooperation, and resilience in their future endeavors, including courses, operations, and deployments.
Expressing gratitude, Lieutenant Colonel AJ Hammadu, representing the Commander of 3 Division Garrison, commended the participants for their discipline and professionalism throughout the competition.
He also lauded the support and guidance provided by the GOC/Commander OPSH, which contributed to the successful hosting of the event.
The climax of the event was the recognition of the 3 Division Garrison as the overall champion, with 6 Brigade Jalingo and 43 Engineers Brigade Jos securing the second and third positions, respectively.
 Awards and trophies were presented to individuals and formations, culminating in a group photograph to commemorate the occasion.
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