Civil Society Fumes as Soludo Inaugurates Transition Committee Chairmen in Anambra

TC Chairmen taking the Oath of Office before Governor Soludo at the Govt House, Awka on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The recent inauguration of transition committee chairmen for the 21 Local Government Areas of Anambra State by Governor Chukwuma Soludo has been greeted by outright condemnation by the Civil Society in the state.

Soludo had on Wednesday, sworn in the newly appointed Transition Committee Chairmen at the Government House, Awka, congratulating them for making the list but commiserating with them largely because of the paucity of funds and the humongous responsibilities they are expected to shoulder.

Challenging the new TC Chairmen to do more with less, the governor emphasized that his government is very deliberate in having a local government devoted to service delivery to the grassroots.

But the Anambra Civil Society Network (ACSONet) a foremost platform for citizens’ advocacy has condemned in strongest terms, the recent inauguration of the TC Chairmen by the governor.

The ACSONET Chairman, Comrade Chris Azor in a chat with a TNC correspondent in Awka, the state capital, described the appointment as a reprehensible game of musical chairs; absolutely unacceptable.

Comrade Azor stated, “As civil society, we are miffed by the inauguration of yet another set of Transition Committee Chairmen by Governor Soludo.

“We condemn the action in strongest terms. This is a reprehensible game of musical chairs as it were. And absolutely unacceptable.”

The human rights advocate further revealed that concerned citizens including the NLC Chairman, NULGE, ALGON, NUT, Media, and sundry genuine Stakeholders, were currently in Abuja for a nationwide confab on the issue.

“The meeting according to him was aimed to pressure the Governors to stick to the rule of law and ensure institutionalization of democracy at the third tier of government.

“Recall that, the local government system which is the closest arm of government to the grassroots as stipulated by the 1999 Constitution, has not had democratically-elected officials in Anambra State for over ten years running. This means that the role of local government councils has been rendered inconsequential in the State.

“Consequently, the 21 local Governments in the State do not have elected chairmen or councilors, as successive Governors have continued to appoint caretaker committees, in flagrant disobedience to the 1999 Constitution, as amended.

“The implication is that the jinx of non-conduct of council polls in Anambra has remained unbroken in the last ten years, thereby denying the people what democracy feels like at that level.

“According to the Fourth Schedule of the 1999 Constitution(as amended), the main functions of a local government council are stipulated to include the consideration and the making of recommendations to the state commission on economic planning or any similar body on the economic development of the state, particularly in so far as the areas of authority of the council and the state are affected, and proposals made by the said commission or body.

“Collection of rates, radio, and television licenses; establishment and maintenance of cemeteries, burial grounds, and homes for the destitute or infirm; licensing of bicycles, trucks (other than mechanically propelled trucks), canoes, wheelbarrows, and carts; establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses, slaughter slabs, markets, motor parks and public conveniences; construction and maintenance of roads, streets, street lightings, drains and other public highways, parks, gardens, open spaces, or such public facilities as may be prescribed from time to time by the House of Assembly of a state. The naming of roads and streets and numbering of houses; provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewage and refuse disposal”, amongst others.

“In addition to the above, Anambra, as the State with the largest concentration of markets in the South-East, accrues huge internally generated revenue coming from these markets, motor parks, open spaces, parks and gardens, houses, etc, domiciled in various communities such as Onitsha, Awka, Nnewi, Ekwulobia, Nkpor, Obosi, Nnobi, Ogbunike and Agulu.

“And given the reluctance of successive administrations in the state to conduct local government polls since 2014, it means most of the functions and benefits listed above that should accrue to the council authorities and grassroots people, have been usurped by the State.

“At the moment, most of the local governments exist as a shadow of what an autonomous tier of government should be. The 21 LGAs are currently in the hands of the Transition Committee chairmen, appointed by the Governor,” Azor noted.

The CSO leader demanded the immediate constitution of Anambra State Independent Electoral Commission ANSIEC, to commence the process of conducting local government election, without further delay.

According to him, the routine recycling of caretaker Chairmen must stop forthwith.

“We had cause to commend the Governor on the occasion of signing Anambra State Independent Electoral Law, 2024.

“This was with the understanding that the stage was set for the conduct of the elusive local government election.

“However, the recent action by the Governor gives a lie to the intentionality of a guaranteed democratic structure at the grassroots, in keeping with statutory requirements.

“We, therefore, implore him to do the needful,” he appealed.

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