Chief of Army Staff Praises Troops’ Bravery and Sacrifice in the Fight against Terrorism

Chief of Army Staff Praises Troops' Bravery and Sacrifice in the Fight against Terrorism
Nigerian Army Officers, During Sallah Celebration in Kaduna State
The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has praised Nigerian Army troops for their dedication and bravery in addressing the nation’s security challenges. 
This commendation was made during the Chief of Army Staff Sallah Luncheon with troops involved in Operation Whirl Punch, held in Birnin Gawri Local Government Area of Kaduna State on Sunday.
The luncheon coincided with the celebration of Eid-el-Kabir, a significant event in the Islamic calendar where Muslims demonstrate their devotion to Allah by sacrificing animals.
Representing Lt.-Gen. Lagbaja at the event was the General Commanding Officer (GOC) of I Division Nigeria Army and Commander of Operation Whirl Punch, Maj-Gen. Mayirenso Saraso.
In his speech, Lagbaja highlighted that Eid-el-Kabir commemorates the virtues of obedience, sacrifice, and faith as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim. He noted that this year’s celebration is particularly meaningful as it comes just six days before the first anniversary of his tenure as Chief of Army Staff.
He encouraged introspection, urging everyone to reflect on the past year, express gratitude for the progress made, and hope for a better Nigeria.
He acknowledged the significant sacrifices made by the army, including the loss of soldiers and equipment in the fight against insurgency, terrorism, banditry, secessionist movements, and oil-related crimes.
“Our troops have shown extraordinary courage and faith in our country despite facing severe dangers,” he said. “Many have the physical scars and injuries to prove their bravery, while others carry memories and stories of their sacrifices.”
Lagbaja urged army personnel and their families to continue their dedication to personal sacrifice for the nation’s growth and development.
He reassured them of his commitment to providing the necessary leadership for effective training, living, and combat readiness.
He also expressed gratitude to President Bola Tinubu for his unwavering support and focused leadership, and he thanked the Minister of Defence, the Minister of State for Defence, and the Chief of Defence Staff for their strategic guidance.
Lagbaja extended his appreciation to the Nigerian public for their continued belief and support for the army.
He emphasized the importance of continued collaboration to eliminate insecurity and foster an environment conducive to economic prosperity and the benefits of democracy.
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