Charli Boy Reveals Clash with 50 Cent, Speaks on His Love for Gays (video)

Charly Boy

Charly Boy recently made several revelations during an episode of The Honest Bunch Podcast.

He recounted an incident from 2004 where he intervened in a confrontation between Eedris Abdulkareem and American rapper 50 Cent.

According to Charly Boy, he received a call from Abdulkareem, who claimed he was being manhandled by 50 Cent’s bouncers at the Murtala Muhammed Airport. Reacting swiftly, Charly Boy mobilized around 3000 motorcyclists and confronted 50 Cent at the airport.

Abdulkareem explained that the altercation began when he refused to leave a first-class seat on a plane. Charly Boy confronted 50 Cent directly, leading to an apology from the rapper and the resolution of the situation.

Additionally, Charly Boy disclosed details about his past, including involvement in bank scams before the infamous 419 fraud became widely known. He also shared personal experiences, such as becoming a father at 16 and encountering unexpected revelations about individuals he had been intimate with. Furthermore, Charly Boy expressed his support for the LGBTQ+ community and discussed his desire for a more assertive partner in relationships.

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