Caught in Adultery!

My Farm! Our Lives!!
Jarlath Opara

Today reminds me of that day I was caught in the web of adultery. It looks so weird, shame and agonies,my heart was filled.

Walking through that path, though short, like eternity it looked , eyes frisking, staring at me, one sinner that did the craziest.

Today reminds me of that experience. My emotions was vulnerable, I thought I was standing, firmly and unshakable, but weak and vulnerable my emotions made me.

Dragged and pulled, nothing could save me, the shame and disgrace written all over me, the bloody adulterer!

I thought I was gone, being led to that market square where my likes were celebrated in shame, cajoled and caricatured.

They gathered, those worse, who stinked and more involved in it , still laughed and made jest of me, the caught one! .

The Saint, the innocent , the righteous ones without blemish they all carried themselves.

Straight to me eyes, he mocked me, jeered at me, though the craziest in what I was shamed and disgraced for. He was the smarter, knows his ways around not to be caught.

Dragged and pulled, to that place where my soul would be sent to hell and my body, food for the birds of the earth, my Savior showed and saved.

He pulled me out from the den of hungry lions. Gone was my life, but grace found me. Gone was my future, so bright and dazzling but his mercy showed forth. Gone was my destiny and my mission on earth but his love lifted me.

He held me, his hands wrapped around me, warm and consoling , my tears of shame were wiped.

He took me from that market square of shame and death, where my life was condemned justly into a place of grace where my sins count no more.

Looking back, the futility of my actions, the crave and inordinate passion for sin stared at me. I wept! I wept!! realizing how this life would have gone, messed up and wasted in sin but for his grace.

I am your sister Mary Magdalene. I used to be a notorious adulterous woman. I thrived in it, I prided in it, I thought there was life in it, no! Death and hell it offers ,nothing more!

It comes with glamour, the passion and crave irresistible, making it look enticing, but of a truth it worth not losing God’s love and fellowship. Sin is bad, it kills, it brings the brightness of a shining star into the depth of darkness. Run from it, however it comes, in a gold plated or in coated sweetness, flee! It kills!

Nothing will separate me again from your love oh God, in you my glory lies. In you my future is, my fulfillment assured and my joy guaranteed!


Jarlath Opara can be reached via

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