Boko Haram and ISWAP Clashes Leave Over 100 Fighters Dead in Borno

The ongoing conflict between Boko Haram and the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) in the Lake Chad Basin has intensified recently, resulting in significant casualties on both sides. 
Over the past week, clashes between the two rival factions escalated, with more than 100 fighters from both groups losing their lives.
The clashes primarily occurred across the riverine islands of the Tumbums, where ISWAP managed to gain ground and dislodge Boko Haram rival factions.
 ISWAP’s renewed aggression followed the receipt of a fresh supply of weapons from Mali, facilitated through Niger to Dogon Chun Kangarwa.
Independent counter-terrorism experts in the region noted that Boko Haram’s Jama’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihad (JAS) faction had deployed fighters to defensive positions in Kukawa, Borno, and along the Nigeria-Cameroon border before the clashes erupted.
Meanwhile, ISWAP mobilized its forces, with 130 fighters arriving in Doron Kirta Wulgo near the Nigeria-Cameroon border.
The initial clash on April 19 near Garin Mallam Ya’u and Mallam Karamti resulted in the deaths of several Boko Haram fighters at the hands of ISWAP, led by Commander Akilu. ISWAP also seized and destroyed six motorcycles belonging to the JAS faction during the encounter.
However, Boko Haram retaliated by capturing about 15 ISWAP members at Tumbum Abuja, though the conflict subsided after their capture.
ISWAP later attacked Tumbum Allura, killing several Boko Haram fighters while sustaining some casualties themselves.
The clashes escalated further as ISWAP pursued fleeing Boko Haram fighters to Kariya and Koleram, resulting in another gun battle where ISWAP emerged victorious, killing scores of Boko Haram fighters, including a top commander, Khaid Allayi Gana.
Subsequently, armed JAS Boko Haram members returned to Garin Mallam Ya’u to bury their fallen comrades and assess their losses.
The intensity of the clashes led some Boko Haram fighters to surrender to government security forces in the Diffa region of Niger Republic.
These ongoing clashes between ISWAP and Boko Haram have presented opportunities for government security forces to devise strategies to combat both groups and quell the terror plaguing the Lake Chad Basin.
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