Biden’s Performance in TV Debate Raises Concerns Among Democrats

Donald Trump and Joe Biden Face-off in Presidential Debate [AP Photos]

In a contentious presidential debate held in Atlanta, Georgia, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump clashed over key issues, leaving voters with strong reactions and concerns.

President Joe Biden’s performance was met with alarm among Democrats, as he struggled to articulate his stance on crucial topics such as immigration and abortion. His uneven responses and moments of apparent confusion have raised questions about his competency. Al Jazeera correspondent Alan Fisher, reporting from outside the debate venue, commented, “Joe Biden… looked confused at certain points, and this was a bad night for him.”

Former President Donald Trump repeated several false claims throughout the debate, particularly about immigration leading to higher crime rates and accusing Democrats of “ripping” babies from the womb. When asked if he would honor the results of the 2024 election, Trump stated he would only do so if the results were “free” and “fair,” while repeating his debunked claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

Outside the debate venue in Atlanta, protesters gathered to call attention to the U.S.’s role in Israel’s war in Gaza, urging both candidates to advocate for a ceasefire. Inside, reactions were mixed, reflecting the polarized political climate.

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, voters from across the political spectrum expressed disappointment. One viewer, who supported Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020, mentioned considering a switch back to Trump due to Biden’s lack of clarity.

Despite the criticism, Democratic officials rallied behind Biden. California Governor Gavin Newsom emphasized party unity, saying, “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. This president has delivered. We need to deliver for him at this moment.” Senator Elizabeth Warren also hailed Biden’s role as a “champion for working people.”

However, A CNN flash poll revealed that 67% of debate watchers felt Trump outperformed Biden, while 33% believed Biden did better. Despite this, 81% of viewers stated the debate did not influence their choice for president. Biden’s favorability rating dropped slightly from 37% to 31% post-debate, while Trump’s remained steady at 43%.

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