Benue State Government Begins Digital Skills Training for 10,000 Youths

Benue State Government Launches Digital Skills Training for 10,000 Youths
The Benue State Government, Monday, launched a comprehensive digital skills initiative aimed at empowering 10,000 youths to become self-reliant and potential employers.
This initiative, known as Benue Tech Skills, marks a significant shift in Benue’s strategy for economic growth, youth empowerment, and employment generation within the ICT sector.
By equipping individuals with essential digital skills, the program aims to create job opportunities and foster economic development.
The Benue Tech Skills program is designed to provide training in a variety of digital disciplines.
Participants will learn coding, data and advanced analytics, digital marketing, e-commerce, and smartphone videography, among other skills.
This diverse curriculum is intended to enhance the employability of youths from various backgrounds, making them valuable assets in the modern job market.
The initiative was officially launched at Benue State University, underscoring the state’s commitment to education and skill development.
By hosting the program at the university, the state aims to leverage its academic resources and provide a conducive learning environment for the participants.
One of the primary goals of the Benue Tech Skills initiative is to create over 50,000 new jobs in the state.
This will be achieved as the initial beneficiaries of the program further disseminate their knowledge and training to others within the state.
As more individuals acquire these digital skills, they are expected to start their own ventures or gain employment in various tech-based companies, thus generating a ripple effect of job creation.
The program is not only expected to enhance the employability of the youth but also to attract significant investment into Benue State.
By building a skilled workforce, the state hopes to draw in technology-based companies and startups, creating a vibrant tech ecosystem.
This influx of businesses is anticipated to provide ample employment opportunities for the newly skilled workforce, thereby reducing unemployment rates and improving the standard of living in the state.
The training consultant overseeing the program provided detailed insights into the curriculum and its potential impact.
The comprehensive training is designed to equip participants with practical skills that are in high demand in today’s digital economy.
The consultant emphasized that the skills being taught are crucial for both personal career development and broader economic growth.
Participants in the program have expressed optimism about the benefits they will gain from the training.
They believe that the skills acquired will open up new opportunities for them, enabling them to become self-sufficient and potentially create jobs for others.
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